At the beginning of this first section of the course I decided to pick out a couple of exercises
from each of the projects except for those in Project 3 Heating and Fusing. The
reason for this was because although I would have liked to try these exercises
I do not at the moment have adequate facilities to work these in a well
ventilated place. This is something I will come back to.
I found
the folding and crumpling exercises interesting because in the first instance I
thought I would not get much work and inspiration from them. After initially
folding paper I was inspired to start looking around for other materials to
fold and found that by using the different materials I started to look at the
material in a different way. I started to look at how I thought it would
behave dependent on how I treated it and was both pleased and surprised with
the results.
through the projects the way I looked at materials continued to change and I
found I would experiment more. I do think that perhaps I could have
experimented with a more varied choice of materials in some of the projects but
I tended to use what I had to hand. I have found though that since doing
the exercises when I see different papers and fabrics I am beginning to wonder
how they would behave if I folded or sewed them in a certain way so I feel that
this has been a success for me.
I think
I could have taken some of the exercises further especially the puncturing and
stitching exercises. I will take what I have learnt from these exercises
I did into my future work and hopefully will develop the techniques further.
I did find that I was conscious of how much time I was spending on a
particular exercise and how little time on another one. Obviously this
was because I was not as inspired with a particular exercise for example the
cutting exercises. I think I restricted myself too much with my materials
and should have persevered. This is something I am going to address in
the future so that I can take a technique further. I find it hard to know
when I have done enough on a particular exercise.
One area I was unsure of was
how to present and label the samples.
Some lent themselves to being attached to A3 sheets. Some could not be treated this way. I think that sometimes I was conscious of this
and it inhibited the way I worked a sample.
I will in future try to work more freely and not put obstacles in the
way of working so that I get more from my experimentation.
I have struggled with my
sketchbook work and have looked at textile artists sketchbooks to get
inspiration. I have made myself a plan
which includes working daily in my book for at least ten minutes and not to
worry about whether what I am doing is right or wrong.