I feel pleased with the feedback I received from my tutor for Assigment One. It was very positive and has given me points to think about and improve upon so that I can take these through to the rest of the course.
Demonstration of technical and visual skills, quality of outcome, demonstration of creativity
My tutor commented that had created a good body of samples in a range of materials and colours. She suggested that I return to this section of the course at times during my studies to investigate further. She also suggested that I may wish to return to the samples in embossing and puncturing when I reach the printing section of the course. I shall do this as I think they were successful and I can begin to think ahead on how to use these in printing.
I was pleased to read that my tutor agreed some techniques can be more stimulating than others and that I should listen to this and allow what I enjoy and find interesting to guide me.
It was suggested that I continue to be experimental and take risks which could be by adapting a method using new material or something unusual. This sometimes overwhelms me as I do worry that I am maybe not being as free and experimental as I should or could be so it was reassuring to see that my tutor had said don't try and do everything and that ideas for the future can be recorded if I don't have time to follow them now. I am therefore starting to make notes in my sketchbook when I think of an idea or perhaps something I have seen that I would quite like to follow up. These are only short notes and lists but I know will be useful to me.
I somehow missed out the sorting stage of the assignment. I shall be returning to this and picking out the samples I think worked best. My tutor suggested collecting images of them together on my blog and write about why they were successful. Missing something like this is unusual for me as I am very organised and do go through the course work to ensure I have covered all that is required. I will make sure in future assignments this is checked thoroughly.
Demonstration of technical and visual skills demonstration of creativity
I am pleased that my tutor does not have any particular concerns about my drawing. She said there is no need to have to accurately represent a sample but translate something about it. This is reassuring to me and I will continue to try to draw freely and spontaneously. My tutor suggested blind continuous line drawing and I shall do this in my next assignment. She also suggested looking at drawing tutorials on YouTube and a book which is reviewed on Weareoca.
Context, reflective thinking, critical thinking, analysis
I did worry about whether the research I had done was correct. I did find it difficult to write about why I did or did not like an artist's work. My tutor suggested that I be more specific in what I think about the work I look at. She gave me an example of how in Richard Sweeney's work I could have sad something about how essential the use of light is to see the surface he makes and how does the lack of colour in his work enhance the effectiveness. She said there are no right or wrong answers which I find reassuring as I am always concerned about not getting things wrong. I know I have to ask more questions about what I see. I now realise that I don't just have to say I like something but ask myself why and then ask even more questions as to why. This is going to be difficult for me but I think a very good and interesting exercise. My tutor suggested reading the review on the book Critical Thinking Skills by Stella Cottrell on Wearoca and What is Research? I did this and have purchased the book which I am finding an interesting and very useful addition to my books as I think it will help me to put my thoughts into a much more logical order and help me to achieve more skills in critical thinking.
Learning Blog
Context, reflective thinking. critical thinking, analysis
It was good to know that my tutor considers my learning log is well organised and easy to navigate. When setting up my blog a big concern was that it would be easy to navigate and that it would be clear where each set of work and writing for the assignments were. My tutor suggested that I use the suggestions from the feedback on the research section to expand my writing and therefore my thinking in relation to my own work and that of others. I understand that writing critically is something that should be done on a regular basis to develop the skills needed to improve the language and deepen understanding of what I am looking at. As with other areas of study it is something that needs practise in order to improve and I am determined to do this as I know I am only at the beginnings of these skills.
My tutor suggested looking at another student's blog who is also studying Mixed Media for Textiles. I have done this and I can see that this can be useful as it is difficult when students do not meet regularly to bounce ideas off each other. I do find, however, that when I look at other students' blogs I start to feel overwhelmed and a little insecure in my work. I start to think things like I have not done enough work or my work is not as good a standard as others. I know I have to realise that each has a style of their own and also that everyone's circumstances are different allowing for more work at any given time. I hope that as I work through the course I develop more confidence in my own work.
My tutor gave me pointers for my next assignment. This is a really good list for me to refer to and follow during my assignment as a reminder of what I need to do. Overall the feedback I have received has given me confidence to move on and reassured me on areas I have been unsure about.
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