07 February 2016

Part 2 Joining and Wrapping Reflection

I have struggled with this part of the course.  I found it difficult to keep motivated.  This was partly because of everything else going on in my life at the same time as I needed to do this part of the course.  When I was able to prioritise the course I enjoyed certain aspects of it and found other parts hard going.

When recording the exercises and outcomes on my learning blog I found that I was repeating myself in explanations and photographs.  I am unsure as to whether I have understood some of the instructions accurately.  For example in Project 2 Wrapping I recorded my outcomes but felt that I had already covered this in my blog by describing each stage of my sampling under separate posts for each exercise.  I found this frustrating but having thought about it I wonder if this is maybe a good thing making me think more about the way the exercises have worked.

I feel I used a wide variety of materials to work the exercises in both projects.  I was unsure about working the exercises in Project 2 Wrapping.  I felt uncomfortable with parts of these exercises but can see that perhaps this is what I have needed to push me. 

Looking at the samples I have completed for this Assignment I can actually see where I felt at ease and was ready to experiment more.  I think this can be seen in the joining exercises which I enjoyed more than the wrapping.  I understand that there are going to be parts of the course that I find difficult or do not particularly like.  However, as I worked I have found I am widening my knowledge of others’ work and can see and accept the reasons for a piece of work, whereas in the past I may have dismissed it.

I feel easier about my sketchbook work during this Assignment.  I do not have the same feeling of trepidation as previously when going to work in my sketchbook.

Below are points I think I need to work on.

·         When researching look further and deeper than the recommendations.
·         More sketchbook work.  Use more varied materials and techniques e.g. collage.

·         Continue to experiment and do not worry what is right or wrong.  Just try.

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